Washing Machine Availability (Urban)

State : UTTARAKHAND (05) >> District : Hardwar (13)
Town Name Total
No of Household having Washing Machine availability
Available Not Available
of Household having Washing Machine
of Household having Washing Machine
of Household not having Washing Machine
of Household not having Washing Machine
All India 65133952 16050349 24.64% 48983107 75.2%
State Total 489031 216896 44.35% 272094 55.64%
District Total 102364 52281 51.07% 50083 48.93%
BharatHeavyElectricalsLimitedRanipur(ITS) (7073 ) 11209 8164 72.83% 3045 27.17%
Hardwar(NPP) (7074 ) 48221 23829 49.42% 24392 50.58%
Jhabrera(NP) (7070 ) 2694 513 19.04% 2181 80.96%
Laksar(NP) (7075 ) 3779 1171 30.99% 2608 69.01%
Landhaura(NP) (7072 ) 3507 412 11.75% 3095 88.25%
Manglaur(NPP) (7071 ) 8596 2696 31.36% 5900 68.64%
Roorkee(CB) (7069 ) 355 155 43.66% 200 56.34%
Roorkee(NPP) (7068 ) 24003 15341 63.91% 8662 36.09%