Telephone Availability (Urban)

State : PUDUCHERRY (34)
District Name Total
No of Household Having Telephone Availability
Landline Mobile Both None
of Household having Landline
of Household having Landline
of Household having Mobile
of Household having Mobile
of Household having Both
of Household having Both
of Household having None
of Household having None
All India 65133952 1359196 2.09% 51911934 79.7% 5545177 8.51% 6316466 9.7%
State Total 164608 2679 1.63% 115919 70.42% 28320 17.2% 17690 10.75%
Yanam (01) 13758 56 0.41% 10631 77.27% 476 3.46% 2595 18.86%
Puducherry (02) 123969 1922 1.55% 88544 71.42% 21337 17.21% 12166 9.81%
Mahe (03) 7156 406 5.67% 3073 42.94% 3304 46.17% 373 5.21%
Karaikal (04) 19725 295 1.5% 13671 69.31% 3203 16.24% 2556 12.96%