Telephone Availability (Urban)

State : UTTARAKHAND (05)
District Name Total
No of Household Having Telephone Availability
Landline Mobile Both None
of Household having Landline
of Household having Landline
of Household having Mobile
of Household having Mobile
of Household having Both
of Household having Both
of Household having None
of Household having None
All India 65133952 1359196 2.09% 51911934 79.7% 5545177 8.51% 6316466 9.7%
State Total 489031 9712 1.99% 421227 86.14% 36262 7.42% 21826 4.46%
Uttarkashi (01) 5172 35 0.68% 4746 91.76% 155 3% 236 4.56%
Chamoli (02) 11100 122 1.1% 9762 87.95% 658 5.93% 558 5.03%
Rudraprayag (03) 2111 5 0.24% 1971 93.37% 47 2.23% 88 4.17%
TehriGarhwal (04) 8949 64 0.72% 8337 93.16% 356 3.98% 192 2.15%
Dehradun (05) 158740 1689 1.06% 131693 82.96% 19832 12.49% 5526 3.48%
Garhwal (06) 18432 259 1.41% 15855 86.02% 1600 8.68% 718 3.9%
Pithoragarh (07) 13903 102 0.73% 12124 87.2% 964 6.93% 713 5.13%
Bageshwar (08) 1794 6 0.33% 1557 86.79% 27 1.51% 204 11.37%
Almora (09) 11672 229 1.96% 9775 83.75% 1400 11.99% 268 2.3%
Champawat (10) 5770 17 0.29% 5039 87.33% 256 4.44% 458 7.94%
Nainital (11) 61191 2325 3.8% 52553 85.88% 3240 5.29% 3073 5.02%
UdhamSinghNagar (12) 87833 1718 1.96% 78932 89.87% 2097 2.39% 5082 5.79%
Hardwar (13) 102364 3141 3.07% 88883 86.83% 5630 5.5% 4710 4.6%