Telephone Availability (Urban)

State : ARUNACHAL PRADESH (12) >> District : Tawang (01)
Town Name Total
No of Household Having Telephone Availability
Landline Mobile Both None
of Household having Landline
of Household having Landline
of Household having Mobile
of Household having Mobile
of Household having Both
of Household having Both
of Household having None
of Household having None
All India 65133952 1359196 2.09% 51911934 79.7% 5545177 8.51% 6316466 9.7%
State Total 58375 2277 3.9% 44117 75.58% 6382 10.93% 5599 9.59%
District Total 1583 81 5.12% 826 52.18% 468 29.56% 208 13.14%
Tawang (NT) (7001 ) 1583 81 5.12% 826 52.18% 468 29.56% 208 13.14%