Telephone Availability (Urban)

State : UTTAR PRADESH (09) >> District : Bahraich (49)
Town Name Total
No of Household Having Telephone Availability
Landline Mobile Both None
of Household having Landline
of Household having Landline
of Household having Mobile
of Household having Mobile
of Household having Both
of Household having Both
of Household having None
of Household having None
All India 65133952 1359196 2.09% 51911934 79.7% 5545177 8.51% 6316466 9.7%
State Total 6460192 161351 2.5% 5784992 89.55% 166365 2.58% 347478 5.38%
District Total 38137 683 1.79% 34868 91.43% 551 1.44% 2035 5.34%
Bahraich (NPP) (7497 ) 26493 419 1.58% 24123 91.05% 317 1.2% 1634 6.17%
Jarwal (NP) (7498 ) 2333 18 0.77% 2061 88.34% 66 2.83% 188 8.06%
Nanpara (NPP) (7495 ) 6507 216 3.32% 5978 91.87% 130 2% 183 2.81%
Risiya Bazar (NP) (7496 ) 2804 30 1.07% 2706 96.5% 38 1.36% 30 1.07%