Tehsil Name | Total household | Number of Gram Panchayat / Police Station |
Number of Villages Rural | Number of Towns Urban | Total Number of Households Rural | Total Number of Households Urban | % of Households in Rural | % of Households in Urban |
All India Total | 244921406 | 296770 | 644648 | 4460 | 179787454 | 65133952 | 73.41% | 26.59% |
State Total | 22962600 | 28788 | 43937 | 264 | 13841960 | 9120640 | 60.28% | 39.72% |
District Total | 685148 | 855 | 1364 | 8 | 449363 | 235785 | 65.59% | 34.41% |
Kannad (001) | 69106 | 137 | 211 | 1 | 62102 | 7004 | 89.86% | 10.14% |
Soegaon (002) | 23406 | 45 | 85 | 0 | 23406 | 0 | 100% | 0% |
Sillod (003) | 70323 | 103 | 131 | 1 | 60347 | 9976 | 85.81% | 14.19% |
Phulambri (004) | 31403 | 68 | 92 | 0 | 31403 | 0 | 100% | 0% |
Aurangabad (005) | 270722 | 114 | 188 | 2 | 73864 | 196858 | 27.28% | 72.72% |
Khuldabad (006) | 22777 | 39 | 76 | 1 | 20052 | 2725 | 88.04% | 11.96% |
Vaijapur (007) | 64232 | 134 | 166 | 1 | 56566 | 7666 | 88.07% | 11.93% |
Gangapur (008) | 67638 | 107 | 225 | 1 | 62697 | 4941 | 92.69% | 7.31% |
Paithan (009) | 65541 | 108 | 190 | 1 | 58926 | 6615 | 89.91% | 10.09% |