Tehsil Name | Total household | Number of Gram Panchayat / Police Station |
Number of Villages Rural | Number of Towns Urban | Total Number of Households Rural | Total Number of Households Urban | % of Households in Rural | % of Households in Urban |
All India Total | 244921406 | 296770 | 644648 | 4460 | 179787454 | 65133952 | 73.41% | 26.59% |
State Total | 1427365 | 3211 | 20693 | 56 | 1263756 | 163609 | 88.54% | 11.46% |
District Total | 104018 | 246 | 1725 | 4 | 96745 | 7273 | 93.01% | 6.99% |
TiraSujanpur (001) | 10487 | 25 | 205 | 1 | 8722 | 1765 | 83.17% | 16.83% |
Nadaun (002) | 17720 | 48 | 371 | 1 | 16737 | 983 | 94.45% | 5.55% |
Galore (003) | 5931 | 19 | 111 | 0 | 5931 | 0 | 100% | 0% |
Hamirpur (004) | 26473 | 57 | 378 | 1 | 22290 | 4183 | 84.2% | 15.8% |
Barsar (005) | 12220 | 28 | 249 | 1 | 11878 | 342 | 97.2% | 2.8% |
Dhatwal (006) | 8666 | 22 | 132 | 0 | 8666 | 0 | 100% | 0% |
Bhoranj (007) | 22521 | 47 | 279 | 0 | 22521 | 0 | 100% | 0% |