Main Source of Income (Urban)

State : MANIPUR (14)
District Name Total
Main Source of Income
Beggar Rag Picker Domestic Worker Street Vender Construction Worker Sanitation Worker Home Based Worker Transport Worker Shop Worker/Assistant Electrician/Machanic/Assembler Washer Man Other Worker Non Work(Pension/Rent/Interest, etc.) No Income from Any Source
No % No % No % No % No % No % No % No % No % No % No % No % No % No %
All India 299994863 146029 0.05% 98172 0.03% 6199925 2.07% 1937484 0.65% 18933471 6.31% 1299116 0.43% 6791862 2.26% 4791432 1.6% 7464253 2.49% 2493907 0.83% 942729 0.31% 58260356 19.42% 17713673 5.9% 172713622 57.57%
State Total 638198 9 0% 1 0% 2120 0.33% 3120 0.49% 24104 3.78% 440 0.07% 48226 7.56% 9786 1.53% 21632 3.39% 3020 0.47% 853 0.13% 107029 16.77% 14836 2.32% 403021 63.15%
Bishnupur (04) 88921 1 0% 0 0% 469 0.53% 1235 1.39% 3354 3.77% 57 0.06% 8975 10.09% 1670 1.88% 2084 2.34% 428 0.48% 126 0.14% 14635 16.46% 1114 1.25% 54773 61.6%
Thoubal (05) 153335 2 0% 1 0% 158 0.1% 1027 0.67% 6218 4.06% 115 0.07% 16447 10.73% 2089 1.36% 3545 2.31% 596 0.39% 133 0.09% 24191 15.78% 2503 1.63% 96310 62.81%
ImphalWest (06) 276767 5 0% 0 0% 112 0.04% 603 0.22% 9971 3.6% 179 0.06% 15200 5.49% 3918 1.42% 11321 4.09% 1299 0.47% 384 0.14% 49229 17.79% 8194 2.96% 176351 63.72%
ImphalEast (07) 102481 1 0% 0 0% 1373 1.34% 254 0.25% 3365 3.28% 79 0.08% 6937 6.77% 1656 1.62% 4178 4.08% 657 0.64% 175 0.17% 16184 15.79% 2893 2.82% 64729 63.16%
Chandel (09) 16694 0 0% 0 0% 8 0.05% 1 0.01% 1196 7.16% 10 0.06% 667 4% 453 2.71% 504 3.02% 40 0.24% 35 0.21% 2790 16.71% 132 0.79% 10858 65.04%