Ownership Status (Urban)

State : WEST BENGAL (19)
District Name Total
No of Household Houses Ownership Status
Owned Rented Shared Living on Premises With Employer House Provided By Employer Any Other
No of Household Houses Ownership Status (Owned)
No of Household Houses Ownership Status (Owned)
No of Household Houses Ownership Status (Rented)
No of Household Houses Ownership Status (Rented)
No of Household Houses Ownership Status (Shared)
No of Household Houses Ownership Status (Shared)
No of Household Houses Ownership Status (Living on Premises With Employer)
No of Household Houses Ownership Status (Living on Premises With Employer)
No of Household Houses Ownership Status (House Provided By Employer)
No of Household Houses Ownership Status (House Provided By Employer)
No of Household Houses Ownership Status (Any Other)
No of Household Houses Ownership Status (Any Other)
All India 65133952 48182829 73.97% 14339995 22.02% 613993 0.94% 273259 0.42% 932810 1.43% 677105 1.04%
State Total 4610394 3460473 75.06% 910089 19.74% 48772 1.06% 23110 0.5% 63078 1.37% 92271 2%
Darjiling (01) 99332 70325 70.8% 25003 25.17% 629 0.63% 344 0.35% 2174 2.19% 846 0.85%
Jalpaiguri (02) 100792 85059 84.39% 12223 12.13% 967 0.96% 728 0.72% 646 0.64% 1161 1.15%
KochBihar (03) 42302 37028 87.53% 2737 6.47% 1068 2.52% 124 0.29% 719 1.7% 616 1.46%
UttarDinajpur (04) 66148 55730 84.25% 4672 7.06% 826 1.25% 319 0.48% 494 0.75% 2489 3.76%
DakshinDinajpur (05) 51042 46873 91.83% 2243 4.39% 703 1.38% 161 0.32% 116 0.23% 921 1.8%
Maldah (06) 66541 52404 78.75% 10534 15.83% 882 1.33% 418 0.63% 437 0.66% 1838 2.76%
Murshidabad (07) 120367 103677 86.13% 9292 7.72% 2461 2.04% 366 0.3% 1090 0.91% 3437 2.86%
Birbhum (08) 74455 64791 87.02% 5057 6.79% 1433 1.92% 507 0.68% 976 1.31% 1670 2.24%
Barddhaman (09) 449300 356326 79.31% 49815 11.09% 5437 1.21% 3618 0.81% 13795 3.07% 20264 4.51%
Nadia (10) 199984 175578 87.8% 13367 6.68% 4288 2.14% 792 0.4% 2406 1.2% 3152 1.58%
NorthTwentyFourParganas (11) 1141270 872490 76.45% 216284 18.95% 10599 0.93% 4393 0.38% 11410 1% 25494 2.23%
Hugli (12) 359320 267774 74.52% 74409 20.71% 3326 0.93% 2835 0.79% 4911 1.37% 5458 1.52%
Bankura (13) 53043 46096 86.9% 3022 5.7% 1705 3.21% 210 0.4% 896 1.69% 1102 2.08%
Puruliya (14) 29955 27111 90.51% 2095 6.99% 132 0.44% 40 0.13% 324 1.08% 252 0.84%
Haora (15) 322769 216339 67.03% 92875 28.77% 2329 0.72% 1687 0.52% 5003 1.55% 3935 1.22%
Kolkata (16) 940332 580430 61.73% 323789 34.43% 4498 0.48% 3774 0.4% 8529 0.91% 10807 1.15%
SouthTwentyFourParganas (17) 267271 224362 83.95% 36226 13.55% 2826 1.06% 706 0.26% 1547 0.58% 1596 0.6%
PaschimMedinipur (18) 133056 105408 79.22% 14050 10.56% 2208 1.66% 1554 1.17% 5715 4.3% 4086 3.07%
PurbaMedinipur (19) 93115 72672 78.05% 12396 13.31% 2455 2.64% 534 0.57% 1890 2.03% 3147 3.38%