Ownership Status (Urban)

State : TELANGANA (36) >> District : Mahbubnagar (07)
Town Name Total
No of Household Houses Ownership Status
Owned Rented Shared Living on Premises With Employer House Provided By Employer Any Other
No of Household Houses Ownership Status (Owned)
No of Household Houses Ownership Status (Owned)
No of Household Houses Ownership Status (Rented)
No of Household Houses Ownership Status (Rented)
No of Household Houses Ownership Status (Shared)
No of Household Houses Ownership Status (Shared)
No of Household Houses Ownership Status (Living on Premises With Employer)
No of Household Houses Ownership Status (Living on Premises With Employer)
No of Household Houses Ownership Status (House Provided By Employer)
No of Household Houses Ownership Status (House Provided By Employer)
No of Household Houses Ownership Status (Any Other)
No of Household Houses Ownership Status (Any Other)
All India 65133952 48182829 73.97% 14339995 22.02% 613993 0.94% 273259 0.42% 932810 1.43% 677105 1.04%
State Total 2600702 1628170 62.61% 933668 35.9% 10615 0.41% 4403 0.17% 18541 0.71% 3529 0.14%
District Total 59219 48362 81.67% 10375 17.52% 235 0.4% 28 0.05% 68 0.11% 113 0.19%
Mahbubnagar(MOG) (7054 ) 28716 23813 82.93% 4621 16.09% 145 0.5% 15 0.05% 58 0.2% 61 0.21%
Narayanpet(NP) (7055 ) 8040 7320 91.04% 672 8.36% 24 0.3% 4 0.05% 6 0.07% 4 0.05%
Wanaparthy(M) (7056 ) 11129 8178 73.48% 2870 25.79% 37 0.33% 5 0.04% 4 0.04% 11 0.1%
Gadwal(MOG) (7057 ) 11334 9051 79.86% 2212 19.52% 29 0.26% 4 0.04% 0 0% 37 0.33%