Ownership Status (Urban)

State : MADHYA PRADESH (23) >> District : Tikamgarh (07)
Town Name Total
No of Household Houses Ownership Status
Owned Rented Shared Living on Premises With Employer House Provided By Employer Any Other
No of Household Houses Ownership Status (Owned)
No of Household Houses Ownership Status (Owned)
No of Household Houses Ownership Status (Rented)
No of Household Houses Ownership Status (Rented)
No of Household Houses Ownership Status (Shared)
No of Household Houses Ownership Status (Shared)
No of Household Houses Ownership Status (Living on Premises With Employer)
No of Household Houses Ownership Status (Living on Premises With Employer)
No of Household Houses Ownership Status (House Provided By Employer)
No of Household Houses Ownership Status (House Provided By Employer)
No of Household Houses Ownership Status (Any Other)
No of Household Houses Ownership Status (Any Other)
All India 65133952 48182829 73.97% 14339995 22.02% 613993 0.94% 273259 0.42% 932810 1.43% 677105 1.04%
State Total 3434918 2686744 78.22% 514810 14.99% 46098 1.34% 24014 0.7% 121862 3.55% 35064 1.02%
District Total 44587 40295 90.37% 2930 6.57% 795 1.78% 92 0.21% 284 0.64% 160 0.36%
Tarichar Kalan (NP) (7042 ) 1200 1168 97.33% 26 2.17% 1 0.08% 3 0.25% 0 0% 0 0%
Niwari (NP) (7043 ) 4435 4063 91.61% 211 4.76% 34 0.77% 21 0.47% 84 1.89% 8 0.18%
Orchha (NP) (7044 ) 2354 2094 88.95% 166 7.05% 3 0.13% 2 0.08% 42 1.78% 47 2%
Jeron Khalsa (NP) (7045 ) 1713 1656 96.67% 45 2.63% 12 0.7% 0 0% 0 0% 0 0%
Prithvipur (NP) (7046 ) 4693 4416 94.1% 201 4.28% 42 0.89% 5 0.11% 23 0.49% 6 0.13%
Lidhora Khas (NP) (7047 ) 2167 2091 96.49% 42 1.94% 25 1.15% 1 0.05% 2 0.09% 6 0.28%
Jatara (NP) (7048 ) 3206 2910 90.77% 242 7.55% 10 0.31% 15 0.47% 27 0.84% 1 0.03%
Palera (NP) (7049 ) 3121 2989 95.77% 126 4.04% 6 0.19% 0 0% 0 0% 0 0%
Baldeogarh (NP) (7050 ) 1698 1497 88.16% 101 5.95% 50 2.94% 6 0.35% 18 1.06% 26 1.53%
Khargapur (NP) (7051 ) 2708 2450 90.47% 120 4.43% 115 4.25% 0 0% 7 0.26% 6 0.22%
Kari (NP) (7052 ) 1970 1928 97.87% 36 1.83% 4 0.2% 0 0% 1 0.05% 1 0.05%
Tikamgarh (M) (7053 ) 13606 11448 84.14% 1550 11.39% 439 3.23% 38 0.28% 75 0.55% 52 0.38%
Badagaon (NP) (7054 ) 1716 1585 92.37% 64 3.73% 54 3.15% 1 0.06% 5 0.29% 7 0.41%