Ownership Status (Urban)

State : ASSAM (18) >> District : Sivasagar (12)
Town Name Total
No of Household Houses Ownership Status
Owned Rented Shared Living on Premises With Employer House Provided By Employer Any Other
No of Household Houses Ownership Status (Owned)
No of Household Houses Ownership Status (Owned)
No of Household Houses Ownership Status (Rented)
No of Household Houses Ownership Status (Rented)
No of Household Houses Ownership Status (Shared)
No of Household Houses Ownership Status (Shared)
No of Household Houses Ownership Status (Living on Premises With Employer)
No of Household Houses Ownership Status (Living on Premises With Employer)
No of Household Houses Ownership Status (House Provided By Employer)
No of Household Houses Ownership Status (House Provided By Employer)
No of Household Houses Ownership Status (Any Other)
No of Household Houses Ownership Status (Any Other)
All India 65133952 48182829 73.97% 14339995 22.02% 613993 0.94% 273259 0.42% 932810 1.43% 677105 1.04%
State Total 683779 463435 67.78% 179373 26.23% 3190 0.47% 8152 1.19% 23217 3.4% 6086 0.89%
District Total 23746 13514 56.91% 8343 35.13% 76 0.32% 201 0.85% 1486 6.26% 125 0.53%
Sibsagar (MB) (7044 ) 11629 6106 52.51% 4616 39.69% 38 0.33% 108 0.93% 746 6.41% 15 0.13%
Amguri (MB) (7045 ) 1696 1043 61.5% 558 32.9% 9 0.53% 48 2.83% 37 2.18% 1 0.06%
Nazira (MB) (7046 ) 3009 1739 57.79% 701 23.3% 3 0.1% 14 0.47% 471 15.65% 81 2.69%
Simaluguri (TC) (7047 ) 1974 1104 55.93% 783 39.67% 7 0.35% 3 0.15% 70 3.55% 7 0.35%
Sonari (MB) (7048 ) 4401 2757 62.64% 1455 33.06% 14 0.32% 21 0.48% 148 3.36% 5 0.11%
Moranhat (TC) (7049 ) 1037 765 73.77% 230 22.18% 5 0.48% 7 0.68% 14 1.35% 16 1.54%