Main Sources of Lighting (Urban)

State : JHARKHAND (20) >> District : Dumka (17)
Town Name Total
No of Household having Main Sources of Lighting
Electricity Kerosene Solar Other Oil Any Other No Lighting
of Household having Main Sources of Lighting (Electricity)
of Household having Main Sources of Lighting (Electricity)
of Household having Main Sources of Lighting (Kerosene)
of Household having Main Sources of Lighting (Kerosene)
of Household having Main Sources of Lighting (Solar)
of Household having Main Sources of Lighting (Solar)
of Household having Main Sources of Lighting (Other Oil)
of Household having Main Sources of Lighting (Other Oil)
of Household having Main Sources of Lighting (Any Other)
of Household having Main Sources of Lighting (Any Other)
of Household Not having Main Sources of Lighting
of Household Not having Main Sources of Lighting
All India 65133952 61781150 94.85% 2288286 3.51% 113793 0.17% 130594 0.2% 150860 0.23% 661019 1.01%
State Total 997697 894200 89.63% 62673 6.28% 4532 0.45% 2660 0.27% 3873 0.39% 29757 2.98%
District Total 12243 10415 85.07% 1702 13.9% 10 0.08% 0 0% 5 0.04% 111 0.91%
Basukinath (NP) (7028 ) 3541 2573 72.66% 903 25.5% 6 0.17% 0 0% 2 0.06% 57 1.61%
Dumka (Nagar Parishad) (7029 ) 8702 7842 90.12% 799 9.18% 4 0.05% 0 0% 3 0.03% 54 0.62%