Household Living Status (Urban)

State : KERALA (32)
District Name Total
Type of Household
Normal Institutional Houseless Living in Shelter
of Household having Normal living Status
of Household having Normal living Status
of Household having Normal living Status
of Household having Normal living Status
of Household having Normal living Status
of Household having Normal living Status
of Household having Normal living Status
% Houseless
of Household having Normal living Status
% Household
of Household having Normal living Status
All India 65133952 64758891 99.42% 272632 0.42% 97030 0.15% 73296 75.54% 0.11%
State Total 1379341 1375583 99.73% 2913 0.21% 845 0.06% 449 53.14% 0.03%
Kasaragod (01) 33739 33668 99.79% 58 0.17% 13 0.04% 11 84.62% 0.03%
Kannur (02) 78277 78088 99.76% 130 0.17% 59 0.08% 24 40.68% 0.03%
Wayanad (03) 7123 7093 99.58% 15 0.21% 15 0.21% 0 0% 0%
Kozhikode (04) 155609 155185 99.73% 361 0.23% 63 0.04% 33 52.38% 0.02%
Malappuram (05) 86600 86462 99.84% 137 0.16% 1 0% 0 0% 0%
Palakkad (06) 58765 58590 99.7% 83 0.14% 92 0.16% 52 56.52% 0.09%
Thrissur (07) 156749 156216 99.66% 412 0.26% 121 0.08% 54 44.63% 0.03%
Ernakulam (08) 247201 246406 99.68% 585 0.24% 210 0.08% 135 64.29% 0.05%
Idukki (09) 12058 12021 99.69% 37 0.31% 0 0% 0 0 0%
Kottayam (10) 54247 54000 99.54% 178 0.33% 69 0.13% 60 86.96% 0.11%
Alappuzha (11) 80187 79982 99.74% 132 0.16% 73 0.09% 21 28.77% 0.03%
Pathanamthitta (12) 30572 30409 99.47% 134 0.44% 29 0.09% 14 48.28% 0.05%
Kollam (13) 112674 112497 99.84% 140 0.12% 37 0.03% 8 21.62% 0.01%
Thiruvananthapuram (14) 265540 264966 99.78% 511 0.19% 63 0.02% 37 58.73% 0.01%