Household Living Status (Urban)

State : MAHARASHTRA (27) >> District : Chandrapur (13)
Town Name Total
Type of Household
Normal Institutional Houseless Living in Shelter
of Household having Normal living Status
of Household having Normal living Status
of Household having Normal living Status
of Household having Normal living Status
of Household having Normal living Status
of Household having Normal living Status
of Household having Normal living Status
% Houseless
of Household having Normal living Status
% Household
of Household having Normal living Status
All India 65133952 64758891 99.42% 272632 0.42% 97030 0.15% 73296 75.54% 0.11%
State Total 9120640 9090267 99.67% 22539 0.25% 7793 0.09% 6200 79.56% 0.07%
District Total 132386 132111 99.79% 105 0.08% 168 0.13% 140 83.33% 0.11%
Warora(MCl) (7080 ) 10367 10356 99.89% 2 0.02% 9 0.09% 0 0% 0
Brahmapuri(MCl) (7081 ) 8471 8332 98.36% 11 0.13% 128 1.51% 125 97.66% 1.48
Bhadravati(MCl) (7082 ) 13952 13933 99.86% 19 0.14% 0 0% 0 0% 0
Chandrapur(MCl) (7083 ) 68840 68765 99.89% 50 0.07% 25 0.04% 10 40% 0.01
Mul(MCl) (7084 ) 5613 5609 99.93% 4 0.07% 0 0% 0 0% 0
Ballarpur(MCl) (7085 ) 18442 18420 99.88% 15 0.08% 6 0.03% 5 83.33% 0.03
Rajura(MCl) (7086 ) 6701 6696 99.93% 4 0.06% 0 0% 0 0% 0