Household Living Status (Urban)

State : NCT OF DELHI (07) >> District : Central (06)
Town Name Total
Type of Household
Normal Institutional Houseless Living in Shelter
of Household having Normal living Status
of Household having Normal living Status
of Household having Normal living Status
of Household having Normal living Status
of Household having Normal living Status
of Household having Normal living Status
of Household having Normal living Status
% Houseless
of Household having Normal living Status
% Household
of Household having Normal living Status
All India 65133952 64758891 99.42% 272632 0.42% 97030 0.15% 73296 75.54% 0.11%
State Total 2340216 2318172 99.06% 4417 0.19% 17626 0.75% 16023 90.91% 0.68%
District Total 111750 108616 97.2% 188 0.17% 2946 2.64% 2785 94.53% 2.49%
DMC (U) (M Corp.) (7001 ) 111159 108087 97.24% 188 0.17% 2884 2.59% 2729 94.63% 2.46
NDMC (Part) (7003 ) 591 529 89.51% 0 0% 62 10.49% 56 90.32% 9.48