Household Having Waste Water-Outlet Connections (Urban)

State : GOA (30)
District Name Total
No of Household having Waste Water-Outlet Connections
Close Drainage Open Drainage No Drainage
of Household having Waste Water-Outlet Connections (Close Drainage)
of Household having Waste Water-Outlet Connections (Close Drainage)
of Household having Waste Water-Outlet Connections (Open Drainage)
of Household having Waste Water-Outlet Connections (Open Drainage)
of Household not having Waste Water-Outlet Connections
of Household not having Waste Water-Outlet Connections
All India 65133952 36585040 56.17% 20148594 30.93% 8378341 12.86%
State Total 82219 59549 72.43% 16101 19.58% 6569 7.99%
NorthGoa (01) 32563 23592 72.45% 6870 21.1% 2101 6.45%
SouthGoa (02) 49656 35957 72.41% 9231 18.59% 4468 9%