Household Having Waste Water-Outlet Connections (Urban)

State : ODISHA (21) >> District : Koraput (29)
Town Name Total
No of Household having Waste Water-Outlet Connections
Close Drainage Open Drainage No Drainage
of Household having Waste Water-Outlet Connections (Close Drainage)
of Household having Waste Water-Outlet Connections (Close Drainage)
of Household having Waste Water-Outlet Connections (Open Drainage)
of Household having Waste Water-Outlet Connections (Open Drainage)
of Household not having Waste Water-Outlet Connections
of Household not having Waste Water-Outlet Connections
All India 65133952 36585040 56.17% 20148594 30.93% 8378341 12.86%
State Total 1264486 339381 26.84% 421945 33.37% 503160 39.79%
District Total 46954 10964 23.35% 21469 45.72% 14521 30.93%
Jeypur (M) (7104 ) 20343 5301 26.06% 11381 55.95% 3661 18%
Koraput (NAC) (7103 ) 10949 944 8.62% 5977 54.59% 4028 36.79%
Kotpad (NAC) (7102 ) 3507 181 5.16% 1231 35.1% 2095 59.74%
Sunabeda (NAC). (7105 ) 12155 4538 37.33% 2880 23.69% 4737 38.97%