Household Having Waste Water-Outlet Connections (Urban)

State : MANIPUR (14) >> District : Chandel (09)
Town Name Total
No of Household having Waste Water-Outlet Connections
Close Drainage Open Drainage No Drainage
of Household having Waste Water-Outlet Connections (Close Drainage)
of Household having Waste Water-Outlet Connections (Close Drainage)
of Household having Waste Water-Outlet Connections (Open Drainage)
of Household having Waste Water-Outlet Connections (Open Drainage)
of Household not having Waste Water-Outlet Connections
of Household not having Waste Water-Outlet Connections
All India 65133952 36585040 56.17% 20148594 30.93% 8378341 12.86%
State Total 130776 14480 11.07% 74576 57.03% 41720 31.9%
District Total 3194 601 18.82% 1524 47.71% 1069 33.47%
Moreh ST (7032 ) 3194 601 18.82% 1524 47.71% 1069 33.47%