Gender Analysis of the Households (Rural)

State : MADHYA PRADESH (23) >> District : Rajgarh (25)
The reports presented here provide final SECC data of Rural India.
The data is presented statewise / districtwise as well as zonewise (North, South, East, West, Central, North Eastern, UT). Please click on particular state to view the district wise data.
Tehsil Name Total Households Total Population Gender Status of the Households (In Numbers) Marital status(Number of Persons) Average Household size Male headed Households %Male headed Households Women headed Households % Women headed Households
Male Fermale Transgender Never Married Never Married % Currently Married Currently Married % Widowed Widowed % Separated Separated % Divorced Divorced %
All India Total 179787454 886692406 459450569 426987079 75008 414501101 46.75% 397242233 44.8% 34893109 3.94% 3558882 0.4% 1144156 0.13% 4.93% 156583770 87.09% 23162626 12.88%
State Total 11288946 51674829 26889616 24777386 5482 24996749 48.37% 23625590 45.72% 1891340 3.66% 297832 0.58% 58774 0.11% 4.58% 10222468 90.55% 1065061 9.43%
District Total 315904 1186419 612299 573996 124 517433 43.61% 593718 50.04% 43466 3.66% 10457 0.88% 2126 0.18% 3.76% 287932 91.15% 27958 8.85%
Jirapur (001) 46574 170094 85967 84123 4 70420 41.4% 89511 52.62% 6661 3.92% 1645 0.97% 292 0.17% 3.65% 42614 91.5% 3959 8.5%
Khilchipur (002) 44831 167167 84294 82859 14 69784 41.75% 84046 50.28% 6284 3.76% 1749 1.05% 246 0.15% 3.73% 41316 92.16% 3515 7.84%
Rajgarh (003) 46048 177179 91897 85268 14 77483 43.73% 89214 50.35% 6417 3.62% 1236 0.7% 273 0.15% 3.85% 41959 91.12% 4086 8.87%
Biaora (004) 52305 197001 102516 94434 51 85738 43.52% 99087 50.3% 7351 3.73% 2187 1.11% 281 0.14% 3.77% 47446 90.71% 4854 9.28%
Sarangpur (005) 37103 123879 65588 58284 7 54077 43.65% 62834 50.72% 4538 3.66% 1295 1.05% 209 0.17% 3.34% 33052 89.08% 4051 10.92%
Narsinghgarh (006) 56093 229628 118325 111285 18 107169 46.67% 108143 47.09% 7883 3.43% 1520 0.66% 411 0.18% 4.09% 51494 91.8% 4596 8.19%
Pachore (007) 32950 121471 63712 57743 16 52762 43.44% 60883 50.12% 4332 3.57% 825 0.68% 414 0.34% 3.69% 30051 91.2% 2897 8.79%