Exclusive Kitchen Availability (Urban)

State : NCT OF DELHI (07)
District Name Total
No of Household having Exclusive Kitchen Availability
Available Not Available
of Household having Exclusive Kitchen Availability
of Household having Exclusive Kitchen Availability
of Household not having Exclusive Kitchen Availability
of Household not having Exclusive Kitchen Availability
All India 65133952 47796811 73.38% 17328776 26.6%
State Total 2340216 1928914 82.42% 411302 17.58%
North West (01) 424862 357455 84.13% 67407 15.87%
North (02) 114856 91262 79.46% 23594 20.54%
North East (03) 220566 178246 80.81% 42320 19.19%
East (04) 259480 233248 89.89% 26232 10.11%
New Delhi (05) 25555 20812 81.44% 4743 18.56%
Central (06) 111750 89378 79.98% 22372 20.02%
West (07) 393940 323282 82.06% 70658 17.94%
South West (08) 373653 304776 81.57% 68877 18.43%
South (09) 415554 330455 79.52% 85099 20.48%