Exclusive Kitchen Availability (Urban)

State : KARNATAKA (29) >> District : Yadgir (26)
Town Name Total
No of Household having Exclusive Kitchen Availability
Available Not Available
of Household having Exclusive Kitchen Availability
of Household having Exclusive Kitchen Availability
of Household not having Exclusive Kitchen Availability
of Household not having Exclusive Kitchen Availability
All India 65133952 47796811 73.38% 17328776 26.6%
State Total 5090399 4494774 88.3% 595598 11.7%
District Total 34177 18799 55% 15378 45%
Bhimarayanagudi(NAC) (7196 ) 1374 1231 89.59% 143 10.41%
Gurmatkal(TP) (7198 ) 3416 2132 62.41% 1284 37.59%
Shahpur(TMC) (7197 ) 8773 5796 66.07% 2977 33.93%
Shorapur(TMC) (7195 ) 8299 2733 32.93% 5566 67.07%
Yadgir(CMC) (7199 ) 12315 6907 56.09% 5408 43.91%