Exclusive Kitchen Availability (Urban)

State : JHARKHAND (20) >> District : Sahibganj (07)
Town Name Total
No of Household having Exclusive Kitchen Availability
Available Not Available
of Household having Exclusive Kitchen Availability
of Household having Exclusive Kitchen Availability
of Household not having Exclusive Kitchen Availability
of Household not having Exclusive Kitchen Availability
All India 65133952 47796811 73.38% 17328776 26.6%
State Total 997697 635799 63.73% 361896 36.27%
District Total 20733 8671 41.82% 12060 58.17%
Rajmahal (NP) (7011 ) 4423 1646 37.21% 2776 62.76%
Sahibganj (Nagar Parishad) (7010 ) 16310 7025 43.07% 9284 56.92%