Employment and Income Characteristics (Rural)

State : UTTARAKHAND (05) >> District : Champawat (10)
The reports presented here provide final SECC data of Rural India.
The data is presented statewise / districtwise as well as zonewise (North, South, East, West, Central, North Eastern, UT). Please click on particular state to view the district wise data.
Tehsil Name Total Households Number of Households with Salaried Job % of Households with Salaried Job Number of Households with Salaried Job (Out of Coln 4) Number of Households Pay Income Tax or Professional Tax Number of Households Own/Operate an Enterprise registered with the Government Number of Households having Monthly income of highest earning household member
Government Sector % Government Sector Public Sector % Public Sector Private Sector % Private Sector Less than Rs. 5,000 % Less than Rs. 5,000 Between Rs. 5,000 and Rs 10,000 % Between Rs. 5,000 and Rs 10,000 Rs. 10,000 or more % Rs. 10,000 or more
All India Total 179787454 17340999 9.65% 8994054 5% 2016399 1.12% 6415270 3.57% 8220522 4896989 133985215 74.52% 30894589 17.18% 14828438 8.25%
State Total 1479742 350309 23.67% 184079 12.44% 29635 2% 136596 9.23% 110323 75829 938356 63.41% 323538 21.86% 217848 14.72%
District Total 44150 7310 16.56% 4972 11.26% 323 0.73% 2015 4.56% 2978 2342 32282 73.12% 6194 14.03% 5674 12.85%
Champawat (001) 9467 1227 12.96% 972 10.27% 43 0.45% 212 2.24% 474 324 7440 78.59% 1126 11.89% 901 9.52%
Pati (002) 8375 1345 16.06% 738 8.81% 95 1.13% 512 6.11% 438 125 6599 78.79% 1065 12.72% 711 8.49%
Lohaghat (003) 15989 2193 13.72% 1494 9.34% 84 0.53% 615 3.85% 807 789 11869 74.23% 2405 15.04% 1715 10.73%
Poornagiri (004) 10319 2545 24.66% 1768 17.13% 101 0.98% 676 6.55% 1259 1104 6374 61.77% 1598 15.49% 2347 22.74%