Dwelling Room (Urban)

State : CHANDIGARH (04)
District Name Total
No of Household having Dwelling Room
No Room One Room Two Rooms Three Rooms More then Three Rooms
of Household having Dwelling No Room
of Household having Dwelling No Room
of Household having Dwelling One Room
of Household having Dwelling One Room
of Household having Dwelling Two Rooms
of Household having Dwelling TwoRooms
of Household having Dwelling Three Rooms
of Household having Dwelling Three Rooms
of Household having Dwelling More then Three Rooms
of Household having Dwelling More then Three Rooms
All India 65133952 609717 0.94% 15929610 24.46% 22709834 34.87% 13620992 20.91% 12140756 18.64%
State Total 198576 76 0.04% 66358 33.42% 57018 28.71% 42489 21.4% 32214 16.22%
CHANDIGARH DISTRICT (01) 198576 76 0.04% 66358 33.42% 57018 28.71% 42489 21.4% 32214 16.22%