SECC 2011 At A Glance

State : WEST BENGAL (19) >> District : Kolkata (16)
The reports presented here provide final SECC data of Rural India.
The data is presented statewise / districtwise as well as zonewise (North, South, East, West, Central, North Eastern, UT). Please click on particular state to view the district wise data.
Tehsil Name Total household Number of Gram Panchayat
/ Police Station
Number of Villages Rural Number of Towns Urban Total Number of Households Rural Total Number of Households Urban % of Households in Rural % of Households in Urban
All India Total 244921406 296770 644648 4460 179787454 65133952 73.41% 26.59%
State Total 20367144 3357 40895 147 15756750 4610394 77.36% 22.64%
District Total 940332 0 0 1 0 940332 0% 100%
Kolkata (000) 940332 0 0 1 0 940332 0% 100%