House ownership status of Other Than SC/ST Households

State : ANDHRA PRADESH (28) >> District : ANANTAPUR (502) >> Block : KAMBADUR (4711)
GP Name Total
Total Other
Than SC/ST Households
No. of Households with house
ownership status as
% of Households with house
ownership status as
No. of Households with house
ownership status as
No. of Households with house
ownership status as
No. of Households with house
ownership status as
% of Households with house
ownership status as
% of Households with house
ownership status as
% of Households with house
ownership status as
CHENNAMPALLI (196157) 588 468 458 10 0 77.89% 1.7% 0%
GOLLAPALLI (196158) 1301 902 883 18 1 67.87% 1.38% 0.08%
KAMBADUR (196159) 3149 2100 1886 211 3 59.89% 6.7% 0.1%
KARTHANAPARTHI (196160) 529 410 383 27 0 72.4% 5.1% 0%
KURAKULAPALLI (196161) 651 534 508 20 6 78.03% 3.07% 0.92%
MARRIMAKULA PALLI (196162) 1280 813 778 35 0 60.78% 2.73% 0%
MULAKANUR (196163) 1280 813 778 35 0 60.78% 2.73% 0%
NUTHIMADUGU (196164) 899 655 643 11 1 71.52% 1.22% 0.11%
PALLUR (196165) 1301 902 883 18 1 67.87% 1.38% 0.08%
RALLA ANANTAPURAM (196166) 704 548 528 15 5 75% 2.13% 0.71%
RAMAPURAM (196167) 600 458 402 43 13 67% 7.17% 2.17%
TIMMAPURAM (196168) 1282 866 835 28 3 65.13% 2.18% 0.23%