Predominant Material of Wall of Dwelling Room (Rural)

State : WEST BENGAL (19) >> District : Birbhum (08)
The reports presented here provide final SECC data of Rural India.
The data is presented statewise / districtwise as well as zonewise (North, South, East, West, Central, North Eastern, UT). Please click on particular state to view the district wise data.
Tehsil Name Total Households Ownership Status of Households Dwelling Rooms Exclusively in Possession of Households KUCCHA Type (Number of Households) PUCCA Type (Number of Households)
Number of Owned HHs % of Owned HHs Number of Rented HHs % of Rented HHs Number of Any Others HHs % of Any Others HHs 1 Room 2 Rooms 3 Rooms More than 3 Rooms 1 = Grass/ Thatch/ Bamboo etc. 2 = Plastic/ Polythene 3 = Mud/ Unburnt Brick 4 = Wood 5 = Stone not Packed with Mortar Total of Codes 1 to 5 % of Codes 1 to 5 6 = Stone packed with mortar 7 = G.I./metal/asbestos sheets 8 = Burnt brick 9 = Concrete 0 = Any other Total of Codes 6 to 0 % of Codes 6 to 0
All India Total 179787454 170636913 94.91% 6293350 3.5% 2659940 1.48% 58874893 67512343 27164214 23687632 21264925 1168660 49291705 2150844 6410625 80286759 44.66% 13802295 1828998 76260717 6537619 894694 99324323 55.25%
State Total 15756750 14963146 94.96% 297163 1.89% 488969 3.1% 8349478 5194609 1141440 1003129 3189948 142614 5783857 155701 66641 9338761 59.27% 121485 523251 5289763 433592 44903 6412994 40.7%
District Total 758961 721218 95.03% 5552 0.73% 31522 4.15% 408601 256993 37809 48548 78825 5314 514333 1866 1812 602150 79.34% 6533 676 140488 6607 1838 156142 40.7%
Murarai-I (001) 43098 41854 97.11% 240 0.56% 1001 2.32% 25193 13897 1874 1862 5466 319 26462 95 222 32564 75.56% 506 20 9813 156 36 10531 24.44%
Murarai-II (002) 52195 50043 95.88% 125 0.24% 2017 3.86% 28853 18180 2102 2682 4274 272 37739 150 108 42543 81.51% 618 44 8577 194 209 9642 18.47%
Nalhati-I (003) 49444 48487 98.06% 143 0.29% 813 1.64% 26127 17095 2724 3166 6720 217 31204 98 225 38464 77.79% 707 31 9991 207 43 10979 22.2%
Nalhati-II (004) 31224 30088 96.36% 135 0.43% 1000 3.2% 13849 12682 1631 2885 951 42 25453 80 28 26554 85.04% 29 13 4364 234 29 4669 14.95%
Rampurhat-I (005) 46170 42628 92.33% 400 0.87% 2913 6.31% 28015 12531 1717 2976 7267 392 30348 114 68 38189 82.71% 376 35 6818 403 120 7752 16.79%
Rampurhat-II (006) 49747 45155 90.77% 234 0.47% 4356 8.76% 29070 15778 1697 2592 8415 271 33078 117 337 42218 84.87% 604 21 6357 389 156 7527 15.13%
Mayureswar-I (007) 39226 36730 93.64% 385 0.98% 2097 5.35% 22633 11524 1217 1825 6297 394 26323 94 119 33227 84.71% 820 18 4885 96 166 5985 15.26%
Mayureswar-II (008) 33888 32520 95.96% 184 0.54% 1181 3.49% 20696 10086 1232 1776 4793 913 20788 89 114 26697 78.78% 342 17 6424 317 88 7188 21.21%
MohammadBazar (009) 37208 35975 96.69% 262 0.7% 960 2.58% 18039 14306 2575 2243 3012 118 28198 91 30 31449 84.52% 252 18 4643 794 41 5748 15.45%
Rajnagar (010) 18754 17896 95.42% 122 0.65% 731 3.9% 12142 4735 876 779 448 51 13934 50 7 14490 77.26% 28 8 3902 293 28 4259 22.71%
Suri-I (011) 28295 26928 95.17% 822 2.91% 539 1.9% 14247 9298 2379 2331 1299 398 17373 40 52 19162 67.72% 210 24 8595 264 34 9127 32.26%
Suri-II (012) 22003 21111 95.95% 209 0.95% 667 3.03% 9946 9634 1147 1121 2868 333 14309 65 40 17615 80.06% 110 16 4193 31 22 4372 19.87%
Sainthia (013) 48367 44727 92.47% 494 1.02% 3050 6.31% 28215 15482 2049 2321 6194 387 32299 124 204 39208 81.06% 821 56 7724 266 196 9063 18.74%
Labpur (014) 44496 41032 92.22% 293 0.66% 3132 7.04% 20266 17926 2277 3648 6196 307 31454 120 33 38110 85.65% 221 135 5561 298 132 6347 14.26%
Nanoor (015) 51849 50045 96.52% 241 0.46% 1556 3% 17515 22766 3872 7501 4739 112 36143 89 41 41124 79.31% 302 19 9766 369 262 10718 20.67%
BolpurSriniketan (016) 48899 46337 94.76% 486 0.99% 2059 4.21% 20974 20393 3379 4126 2788 154 34338 106 37 37423 76.53% 101 50 10469 810 29 11459 23.43%
Illambazar (017) 38803 37646 97.02% 276 0.71% 778 2% 19648 14208 2493 2163 3849 480 24734 191 105 29359 75.66% 141 72 8315 730 83 9341 24.07%
Dubrajpur (018) 40853 38592 94.47% 293 0.72% 1889 4.62% 29306 8574 1355 1240 1921 57 27625 81 29 29713 72.73% 283 42 10242 362 132 11061 27.08%
Khoyrasol (019) 34442 33424 97.04% 208 0.6% 783 2.27% 23867 7898 1213 1311 1328 97 22531 72 13 24041 69.8% 62 37 9849 394 32 10374 30.12%